Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on Teenage Abortion - 1132 Words

The subject of teenage abortion, is an emotionally charged one. The two major groups are completely opposite in their beliefs. Rather than discuss the emotional views of those groups, I have chosen to research, write, and conclude based on factual material, concerning teenage abortion. A discussion of abortion as a definition is explained medically, and in a small part the emotional effects on the participant. I have chosen to report in a factual not an emotional manner. The direct definition of abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by loss or destruction of the fetus before birth. (Abortion) There are two types of abortion, spontaneous and induced. (Emmens 7) Spontaneous abortion occurs in the first trimester (first three†¦show more content†¦Although abortion is rather costly procedure, it is far less then the long-term price of supporting a child. Most teenagers are just not old enough, mentally or physically, to take care of and maintain a genuine home for a growing child. (Meier,46) For many teens, having an abortion is a way to get on with their lives. A chance to forget the past and create a pathway to the future. (Karlse,44) The entire concept of abortion may cause an abundance of internal conflict but, for an adolescent this procedure may very well be the best alternative. For a countless number of pregnant teenagers, the notion of having an abortion is not brought on by themselves. Although the decision is a difficult one on its own parents and boyfriends, most likely, will not help to make the process any easier. (Meier,46) The pressure from others put on pregnant adolescents could force them into making serious decisions of having abortions, with little or no thought what so ever. Abortions might also be chosen to hide the pregnancy from the people who care most. The procedure, in many cases, is completed before eithe r parent of the girl is informed. (Meier,46) Having an abortion is a common procedure in this day and age however, some risks are involved, though the majority can be avoided. Abortion is expensive, if it is unaffordable, many girls may result to having it performed illegally. (Meier,49) Through the 1980s forty to sixtyShow MoreRelated Teenage Abortion Essays1162 Words   |  5 Pages Teenage Women, Abortion and Law Abortion has always been a very controversial issue. This can be due to the fact that people have different beliefs that are emphasized by their own religion and set of moral values. Many people believe that abortion is wrong, but they believe that is it only wrong under certain circumstances. This could be true, but is it more right to kill for a specific reason than to just do it because you made an irresponsible decision? Because of the wide spectrum of religionRead MoreTeenage Abortion Essay examples1177 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage Women, Abortion and Law Abortion has always been a very controversial issue. 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