Thursday, September 3, 2020

Analysis of Southwest Airlines Essay Example

Examination of Southwest Airlines Paper Examination of Southwest Airlines Module: Business Management Vanessa Eelma Alyssa Julianna Farkas Thomas Schillinger Peter Lukacs Attila Radvanszki Adam Radvanszki 29th November, 2010 Word Count : XXXX Contents 1. Introduction3 2. Writing Review4 2. 1General Introduction of Theories Used4 2. 2SWOT Analysis4 2. 3External Factors4 2. 4Organizational Structures4 2. 5Hofstede’s Theory5 2. 6Cultural Elements5 2. 7Motivation5 3Analysis of Southwest Airlines5 3. 1Industry5 3. 2Company’s Overview6 3. 3SWOT Analysis7 . 4External Analysis8 3. 5Organizational Structure8 3. 6Hofstede’s Theory9 3. 7Organizational Culture9 3. 8Motivation10 4. End and Recommendations11 5. References11 6. Appendices13 1. Presentation The picked organization for the examination is called Southwest Airlines. It’s working in the travel industry, giving air travel. The company’s primary separating quality from its rivals is the principle purpose behind our decision. The business is kn own for its lodge group and extraordinary client care. This is demonstrated by various prizes and grants that the organization has won over the most recent three decades. In 2008, TIME. com positioned the organization as the #1 Friendliest Airlines. As indicated by their site their point is: â€Å"To get the travelers to their goal securely and serenely with a chuckle or two along the way†. It is their demeanor that grabbed our eye and urged us to dissect it in a more profound issue. The association permits their representatives to be inventive and individual with their every day undertakings and obligations. This guarantees a wonderful workplace for the representatives who at that point offer a decent support to the clients. One of the characteristics of Southwest aircrafts is „to do things differently†-significance for instance the clarifying of wellbeing guidelines is made all the more engaging by the lodge crew’s rapping while the clients are applauding alongside the beat. A clasp on Youtube of the portrayed situation got over 300â 000 perspectives and put the Southwest Airlines in the media light. We will compose a custom article test on Analysis of Southwest Airlines explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Analysis of Southwest Airlines explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Analysis of Southwest Airlines explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer This shows how remarkable authoritative reasoning and incredible human relations in regarding the representatives as people and letting them contribute with development can make a truly benevolent picture and trough that, separate from the contenders available and make progress. We accept that Southwest Airlines is an extremely fruitful organization in its industry, and will keep being it if the organization’s the board adheres to this soul and receptive perspective. 2. Writing Review 2. 1 General Introduction of Theories Used To deliberately examine an association, there are sure explanatory strategies that prove to be useful. Right off the bat, we have picked the SWOT examination to assess the interior and outside segments. All the more intently, we investigate the subtleties of the outside elements to perceive how the business is influenced by them. Also, we chose to get bits of knowledge into the company’s structure and dynamic procedure. Thirdly, we chose to dissect the social impacts and factors through Hofstede’s hypothesis. We additionally go into more subtleties to appreciate the company’s national culture. To wrap things up, we chose to perceive what sort of inspiration frameworks are utilized in this organization. 2. 2 SWOT Analysis According to Tatum (2010), the SWOT Analysis is a key arranging instrument that incorporates outer and interior factors and is used by organizations and different associations to guarantee that there is a reasonable target characterized for the undertaking or adventure, and that all variables identified with the exertion positive and negative are recognized and tended to. The procedure of SWOT includes four territories of thought: qualities, shortcomings, openings, and dangers. 2. Outer Factors External elements of a business association can be isolated into two sections: Macro-condition and Micro-condition. Full scale condition factors are the SLEPT factors: Social, Legal, Economic, Political and Technological. These variables influence the choices of the supervisors. Miniaturized scale condition factors are considerably less controllable. Certain busines ses are additionally influenced by Porter’s â€Å"Five Forces† model (particularly the air travel industry). 2. 4 Organizational Structures This alludes to the manner in which an association orchestrates its representatives and occupations so as to meet their objectives. In the event that the gathering is extremely little and there is dynamic correspondence, a proper structure is regularly redundant. Be that as it may, on the off chance that we are managing a bigger association, it is regularly harder to settle on choices and along these lines, there must be set up strategy for undertakings and responsibilities’ portion. 2. 5 Hofstede’s Theory Hofstedes research gives us bits of knowledge into different societies so we can be increasingly viable while collaborating with individuals in different nations. It incorporates regions, for example, Power Distance, Masculinity, Individualism, Uncertainty Awareness, and Long-Term Orientation. . 6 Cultural Elements According to Bauer and Erdogan (2009), culture may not be promptly detectable, distinguishing a lot of qualities that may be utilized to depict an organization’s culture encourages us recognize, measure, and oversee culture all the more successfully. The association culture profi le portrayed by Bauer and Erdogan incorporates 7 principle measurements †imaginative, forceful, result situated, stable, individuals arranged, group arranged, and meticulous ( (Please observe the Appendix 1 for visual data). 2. 7 Motivation Inspiration comprises of inner and outside variables that invigorate the longing and vitality in individuals to be intrigued and focused on work. They put tenacious exertion into their occupations so as to arrive at the objectives. 2 Analysis of Southwest Airlines 3. 8 Industry The ongoing practical and monetary downturn seriously affected the carrier business in 2009 and got just little increments 2010. The downturn contrarily impacted the discretional salary of voyagers. All the more unequivocally, the recreation travellers’ and business travellers’ spending changes came about with an unexpected diminishing in their interest. In this manner, corporate strategies fixed and by and large the interest for voyaging diminished. Then again, interest for substitute items, for example, video meetings and surface travel, has expanded. Thus, numerous aircrafts, including Southwest Airlines, reacted with limit cuts and charge limiting. Then again, Southwest utilized the open door additionally to additionally grow and as a result of its low-toll administrations, it could enter new markets also. 3. 9 Company’s Overview Southwest Airlines is depicted on the NASDAQ profile as â€Å"a significant traveler carrier that gives planned air transportation in the US†. The organization basically serves short-pull courses, yet over the ongoing years they have extended their administrations to medium and long stretch courses too. Their special element is that it just works with Boeing 737 as it is a household minimal effort bearer organization and it was important to have airplanes that are anything but difficult to keep up and fix. In the event that an organization just uses one kind of airplane, the specialized issues are anything but difficult to limit. It is critical to specify that as per its yearly report (2009), its low toll framework and point-to-point administration, in spite of the general decrease in the flight business in the 2009 downturn; Southwest extended by opening four new courses ( New York, Minneapolis, Boston and Milwaukee). In view of the latest information accessible from the U. S. Division of Transportation, it was the biggest air transporter in the United States (estimated by the quantity of beginning travelers boarded). Today, the company’s headquarter is in Dallas, Texas and utilizes 34,726 individuals. In view of the company’s NASDAQ profile and as indicated by the yearly report of Datamonitor, Southwest recorded incomes of $10,350 million during the monetary year finishing off with December 2009, an abatement of 6. 1% contrasted with 2008. The working benefit of the organization was $262 million during 2009, a decline of 41. 6% contrasted with 2008. The net benefit was $99 million of every 2009, a reduction of 44. 4% contrasted with FY2008. Their New York Stock Exchange ticket is LUV, which is astutely utilized likewise in their inner and outer promoting too, interfacing it as a nice method of saying LOVE. 3. 10 SWOT Analysis Strengths Applying Herb Kellehers strange initiative style, which executes an alternate various leveled system to tackle the client issues all the more proficiently. Workers can request guidance all the more deftly supposing that fundamental they can circumvent the immediate bosses. * Unique highlights: â€Å"Bags fly free †promotion,â€Å" Din g work area contraption for tickets and a â€Å"Online Travel Guide Community† include. * Providing highlight point, and minimal effort administration. Which brings about the improving the key resources (airplane, doors, and workers). * Specialâ€Å"In-Flight Entertainment† as item separation. * Saving support costs by utilizing a similar air transporter. Utilizing SWABIZ a free online reservation device explicitly intended for business voyagers. * Executing a surprising fuel support system that spares the aircraft immense number of costs each year. Shortcomings * Not utilizing the standard â€Å"Reserved Seating† and seat scaling of various classes. * Being subject to a solitary maker (Boeing) * Onlyon household showcase. Openings * Room for extension despite everything exists (national and universal markets). * Rapid growt

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Discuss the value of chemistry in society

For quite a while in the cutting edge world, and particularly resulting to the occasions of September eleventh, there has been an influx of concern with respect to science and its possible ruinous forces. There are numerous individuals who hold a dreadful demeanor towards the substance business and its items. This is on the grounds that the danger of synthetic and bio-concoction weapons is genuine and is a negative part of the business. Additionally it is regularly regarded ecologically antagonistic and risky for the close by open. Anyway it is far more extensive accepted that the masters exceed the cons hugely. To show this I have delivered a contextual investigation on Glaxo Smith Kline. Peruse this Practice Test Chem 105 Foundation Glaxo Smith Kline, situated in the UK, is one of the pharmaceutical business pioneers, with an expected seven percent of the world's pharmaceutical market and announce a worldwide journey to improve the nature of human life by empowering individuals to accomplish more, feel good and live more. This shows exactly how individuals based the organization is regardless of its immense size. GSK is additionally engaged with four significant remedial zones †against infectives, focal sensory system (CNS), respiratory and gastro-intestinal/metabolic. Also, it is a pioneer in the significant territory of antibodies and has a developing scope of oncology items and medicines. The organization likewise has a Consumer Healthcare area involving over-the-counter (OTC) meds, oral consideration items and dietary medicinal services drinks, which are all among the market heads. Representatives and Employment GSK GSK has more than 100,000 representatives around the world. Of these, more than 40,000 are in deals and showcasing, the biggest deals power in the business. More than 42,000 representatives work at 104 assembling locales in 40 nations and more than 16,000 are in R;D. R;D is based at 24 locales in seven nations. The organization has a main situation in genomics/hereditary qualities and new medication disclosure advances. The GSK R;D spending plan is about à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½2.4bn. Suggestions This shows the business is an extraordinary manager for some, work types, including lab specialists, scientists, specialists, I.T. staff, researcher and others. It likewise utilizes analyzers for improvement of medications and measure symptoms on human patients. This is the place a great part of the advancement cash goes as the patients are just ready to be guineas pigs for very enormous charges because of the possibly unsafe symptoms. Wellbeing and Safety GSK They pay attention to wellbeing and security truly as GSK. Since a ton of the work that goes on includes exceptionally combustible natural solvents, no warming is finished with bare blazes (there is just a single Bunsen burner in the whole plant, and that is utilized by the glass blower for forming bits of dish sets.) In the exploration labs warming will be finished utilizing electric mantles or electrically warmed oil showers. Be that as it may, in the ‘scale-up' plant, where huge volumes of dissolvable materials are utilized, even electrical warming isn't permitted as a result of the peril of flashes. Rather they heat vessels by passing a pre-warmed fluid through an external coat around the vessel. No cell phones or any electrical hardware are permitted inside on the off chance that they produced sparkles which could touch off any combustible fumes. In the hallways outside the exploration research centers there are crisis showers for individuals to use in case of a substance spillage and Hazard alerts are shown all over the place. All synthetic substances have peril cautioning names. Most bits of hardware have notice marks on them. Subtleties of each analysis were shown where the examination was completed. A full hazard evaluation is done on any procedure before it is done. On the off chance that an especially perilous materials are being utilized, a notification is shown outwardly of the lab and passage is limited to approved faculty. In school we now and then wear gloves when utilizing synthetic concoctions. At GSK gloves are utilized routinely. There are different evaluations of gloves to browsed, contingent upon the idea of the synthetic compounds being utilized. The various evaluations are shading coded. The analyst needs to indicate which gloves to use in the hazard evaluation. Suggestions These close to consummate security insurances go far to demonstrating that the substance business is actually quite sheltered and doesn't act like a lot of risk to the general population as is frequently suspected by numerous individuals. With the assistance of present day innovation and cautious arranging the business, it has gotten more secure than many school science classes! Medication Development GSK GSK burns through a large number of pounds every year on innovative work. It costs something in the area of à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½450,000,000 to deliver another medication. The way toward building up another medication takes around 10 years. Examination as a rule starts with hereditary exploration, which distinguishes the proteins associated with the illness. At that point a large number of mixes will be tried to check whether they respond with the protein engaged with the illness. This procedure is exceptionally robotized, utilizing mixes put away in the computerized synthetic store. From this the best compound is distinguished. This will be the compound, which responds best with the protein. This won't yet be adequate to be utilized as a restorative medication however. It might be too solvent to even think about staying in the body for long; it might be too insoluble to even consider getting into the circulatory system. It might be harmful, or have different qualities that make it unacceptable for use as a medication. The following stage is to change mixes structure with the goal that it has as close to consummate properties as could be expected under the circumstances. For instance, to make the compound less water-dissolvable with the goal that it remains in the body for more, enormous natural side gatherings could be added to the structure. (At the point when penicillin was first found it was incredibly water-solvent so was immediately dropped of the body in the pee. Since penicillin was in such short flexibly it must be recuperated from the pee and reused!) When a reasonable compound has been discovered the following issue is proportional up creation from milligram's to grams then to kilogram's At this point the medication should be tried on living tissue (cells, not generally entire creatures) So far this procedure will have taken 4-5 years. Scaling up creation has heaps of troubles related with it. Responses that function admirably on a milligram scale may not deal with a 20 kg scale. There might be troubles related with gauging, warming, mixing, moving, cooling and filtering. Methods of explaining every one of these challenges must be found. The medication will at that point enter the clinical preliminaries stage. From the outset it may be tried for reactions in a couple of sound volunteers. It will at that point be utilized in preliminaries in patients with the infection. On the off chance that effective the medication will, at that point be authorized for use and made commonly accessible. Significantly after this point the medication must be checked. Suggestions There is an enormous measure of cash being filled the synthetic business by financial specialists. This is useful for the securities exchange and the worldwide economy, the workers of the organization and the open who will require the created drugs. It is a sheltered framework and the individuals who are put in danger do as such by their own confirmation. The analyzers are paid very enormous single amounts for testing if the medication has any symptoms and are normally youthful solid people at college or school. Next to no testing on creatures is being completed any more. There is trying on creature tissue, however this is done on an exceptionally little scope and creatures are once in a while hurt. This is an incredible advance for the business, which for quite a while has been plagued by basic entitlements bunches fighting their activities. Likewise the time taken for the medication to be created is useful for work security for the scientists and designers who are required a long w ays past the underlying phases of creation. Ecological Issues GSK All solvents are gathered in enormous compartments under the seats of every lab. When these are full they are removed and managed in a manner proper to the specific dissolvable. All loss from the labs is treated as being polluted and is burned. The debris from this is discarded in landfill locales. Possibly an enormous volume of water would be placed into the neighborhood sewage framework. To abstain from over-burdening the framework, GSK have introduced a reusing framework where the water that goes through condensers is reused in a shut framework. This likewise obviously spares water. There are no sinks in any of the labs with the goal that nothing can be poured away like is polished in schools. They are naturally well disposed. Suggestions This is incredible for the earth as nothing is discarded. It is completely managed cautiously and the business is turning out to be definitely more eco-accommodating than previously. End From my contextual investigation of Glaxo Smith Kline I have discovered that the business is in change. It is getting far more secure and there are a lot less moral issues than any time in recent memory. Creature testing is low and nature is at long last being saved. The business is useful for the economy and utilizes numerous individuals from school and college graduates to item test subjects. The geniuses of science in the public eye far exceed the cons and this is shown impeccably in Glaxo Smith Kline.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Psychological theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mental speculations - Essay Example The likelihood of an individual being brought into the world with certain character highlights is slender with regards to self hypotheses. This infers the different individual encounters that individuals in a general public opens up a likelihood of having a few character types. Each individual has a particular and one of a kind possibility of building an alternate character, in light of their own encounters and translation of the encounters. This paper will investigate the appropriateness of the Person focused hypothesis to African American ladies given that they are confronted with a few issues including racial and sexual orientation isolation. A traditional self hypothesis is as laid out in Carl Rogers’ hypothesis; individual focused hypothesis, differently alluded to as individual focused hypothesis. In his hypothesis, Carl characterizes an individual as the result of encounters and observations. In the event that life is loaded with encounters, at that point it can easily be anticipated to learn and a developing experience (mix of encounters into one’s life utilizing discernments). It is along these lines simple to anticipate that the idea of encounters in various people’s lives could bring about especially comparable or trademark development. In his hypothesis, Carl makes suspicions such that people can be dependable and can possibly resolve their issues when they comprehend themselves without mediations, which makes remedial intercession an exceptionally compelling piece of trim customers. All together for the intercession treatment to produce course and results, there must be an uplifting disposition from the client’s part, just as a decent connection between the advisor and the customer. Capability in principle and guiding procedures was not significant as per Carl, for what it's worth for the advisor to comprehend the potential controlled by customers in their recuperation. Evidently, it is the most incredible asset that a specialist can use, rather than the perspectives on Bohart and Tallman (1999), (as refered to in Corey, 2009,

The White Male Fantasy of Total Recall :: Total Recall Essays

The White Male Fantasy of Total Recall   â After sparing the planet from a merciless tyrant and scarcely keeping away from death on the slopes of Mars, Douglas Quaid (Schwarzenegger) puts a last turn on Total Recall with his last lines: I simply had a horrendous idea. Imagine a scenario in which this is each of the a fantasy? This last articulation by Quaid leaves the crowd contemplating the topic of the real world, considering what genuinely was 'genuine.' By the finish of the film, one could without much of a stretch contend an entire domain of potential outcomes: The occasions were all genuine; they were every one of the a fantasy; they were the Recall embed dream played out; or they were the Recall dream gone haywire. Furthermore, the film appears to dismiss government and the control of white guys, additionally fairly postmodern in belief system. What is generally unexpected about this clear postmodernism of obstruction that we see at the outside of the film is sabotaged by high innovator philosophy that reviews m etanarratives of a man centric past. In this way we really get the high innovator belief system that the film seems to dismiss. For each dynamic advance that Total Recall takes forward, at that point, it makes two strides back, and before the finish of the film we see not a dynamic triumph, but instead a white male dream of the arrival of the male centric world wherein the white man is on top.  As indicated by Andreas Huyssen, The postmodern harbored the guarantee of a 'post-white,' 'post-male,' 'post-humanist,' and 'post-Puritan' world (194). While I am not indicating to foresee the future, one would accept that in the event that postmodern belief system progressed forward, at that point the future would proceed with the sexual orientation and racial job deconstruction that started in the mid to late 1960's. Be that as it may, Total Recall doesn't keep this guarantee, as there is nothing post-white, post-male, post-humanist or post-Puritan about it, and racial and sex codes, as opposed to being deconstructed, are really recreated. Truth be told, Total Recall's reality, delivered in 1990, written in 1975, and speaking to 2084, looks substantially more like George Orwell's 1949 portrayal of the world 1984 than any advanced postmodern world. At the point when Orwell made his future, it depended on projections of the present, thus whites guys still controlled the earth, and so cialist like governments administered the earth. In Total Recall, however, we don't see an anticipated future dependent on patterns of our present, yet rather one that reproduces the past social prevailing of white man centric society, and appears to need to extend from the mid 1900's.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Lost Symbol Chapter 110-112

Section 110 Chief Sato remained solitary in the examination, pausing while the CIA satellite-imaging division handled her solicitation. One of the extravagances of working in the D.C. zone was the satellite inclusion. With karma, one of them may have been appropriately situated to get photographs of this home today around evening time . . . perhaps catching a vehicle leaving the spot in the last half hour. â€Å"Sorry, ma'am,† the satellite expert said. â€Å"No inclusion of those directions today around evening time. Would you like to make a reposition request?† â€Å"No much appreciated. Too late.† She hung up. Sato breathed out, presently having no clue how they would make sense of where their objective had gone. She exited to the anteroom, where her men had sacked Agent Hartmann's body and were conveying it toward the chopper. Sato had requested Agent Simkins to accumulate his men and plan for the arrival to Langley, yet Simkins was in the lounge room on all fours. He seemed as though he was sick. â€Å"You okay?† He looked up, an odd look all over. â€Å"Did you see this?† He pointed at the front room floor. Sato came over and looked down at the extravagant floor covering. She shook her head, seeing nothing. â€Å"Crouch down,† Simkins said. â€Å"Look at the rest of the carpet.† She did. After a second, she saw it. The strands of the floor covering appeared as though they had been squashed down . . . discouraged along two straight lines as though the wheels of something substantial had been moved over the room. â€Å"The abnormal thing,† Simkins stated, â€Å"is where the tracks go.† He pointed. Sato's look followed the swoon equal lines over the lounge room cover. The tracks appeared to vanish underneath a huge floor-to-roof painting that hung alongside the chimney. What on the planet? Simkins strolled over to the artistic creation and attempted to lift it down from the divider. It didn't move. â€Å"It's fixed,† he stated, presently running his fingers around the edges. â€Å"Hold on, there's something underneath . . .† His finger hit a little switch underneath the base edge, and something clicked. Sato ventured forward as Simkins pushed the casing and the whole work of art pivoted gradually on its middle, similar to a spinning entryway. He raised his electric lamp and sparkled it into the dull space past. Sato's eyes limited. Here we go. Toward the finish of a short passage stood an overwhelming metal entryway. The recollections that had surged through the darkness of Langdon's brain had gone back and forth. Afterward, a path of super hot sparkles was whirling, alongside the equivalent spooky, inaccessible murmur. Verbum significatium . . . Verbum omnificum . . . Verbum perdo. The reciting proceeded with like the automaton of voices in a medieval canticle. Verbum significatium . . . Verbum omnificum. The words currently tumbled through the unfilled void, new voices resounding surrounding him. Apocalypsis . . . Franklin . . . Apocalypsis . . . Verbum . . . Apocalypsis . . . All of a sudden, a sorrowful ringer started tolling some place out there. The chime rang endlessly, becoming stronger. It tolled all the more desperately now, as though trusting Langdon would comprehend, as though asking his brain to follow. Part 111 The tolling ringer in the clock tower rang for three entire minutes, shaking the precious stone ceiling fixture that hung over Langdon's head. Decades back, he had gone to addresses in this all around adored get together corridor at Phillips Exeter Academy. Today, be that as it may, he was here to tune in to a dear companion address the understudy body. As the lights diminished, Langdon sat down against the back divider, underneath a pantheon of director pictures. A quiet fell over the group. In all out haziness, a tall, shadowy figure crossed the stage and took the platform. â€Å"Good morning,† the anonymous voice murmured into the mouthpiece. Everybody sat up, stressing to see who was tending to them. A slide projector flashed to life, uncovering a blurred sepia photographâ€a sensational château with a red sandstone veneer, high square towers, and Gothic embellishments. The shadow talked once more. â€Å"Who can disclose to me where this is?† â€Å"England!† a young lady proclaimed in the murkiness. â€Å"This exterior is a mix of early Gothic and late Romanesque, making this the quintessential Norman mansion and putting it in England at about the twelfth century.† â€Å"Wow,† the nondescript voice answered. â€Å"Someone knows her architecture.† Calm moans all around. â€Å"Unfortunately,† the shadow included, â€Å"you missed by 3,000 miles and a large portion of a millennium.† The room livened up. The projector currently flashed a full-shading, present day photograph of a similar manor from an alternate point. The château's Seneca Creek sandstone towers overwhelmed the frontal area, yet out of sight, startlingly close, stood the grand, white, sectioned arch of the U.S. Legislative hall Building. â€Å"Hold on!† the young lady shouted. â€Å"There's a Norman manor in D.C.?!† â€Å"Since 1855,† the voice answered. â€Å"Which is the point at which this next photograph was taken.† Another slide appearedâ€a high contrast inside gave, delineating a huge vaulted dance hall, outfitted with creature skeletons, logical presentation cases, glass containers with organic examples, archeological ancient rarities, and mortar throws of ancient reptiles. â€Å"This wondrous castle,† the voice stated, â€Å"was America's first genuine science exhibition hall. It was a blessing to America from a well off British researcher who, similar to our progenitors, accepted our youngster nation could turn into the place where there is illumination. He passed on to our ancestors an enormous fortune and requested that they work at the center of our country 'a foundation for the expansion and dispersion of information.' † He stopped a long second. â€Å"Who can disclose to me the name of this liberal scientist?† A bashful voice in front wandered, â€Å"James Smithson?† A murmur of acknowledgment undulated through the group. â€Å"Smithson indeed,† the man in front of an audience answered. Dwindle Solomon presently ventured into the light, his dim eyes blazing energetically. â€Å"Good morning. My name is Peter Solomon, and I am secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.† The understudies broke into wild commendation. In the shadows, Langdon viewed with adoration as Peter dazzled the youthful personalities with a photographic voyage through the Smithsonian Institution's initial history. The show started with Smithsonian Castle, its storm cellar science labs, passages fixed with displays, a salon brimming with mollusks, researchers who called themselves â€Å"the guardians of crustaceans,† and even an old photograph of the stronghold's two most well known residentsâ€a pair of now-expired owls named Diffusion and Increase. The half-hour slide show finished with an amazing satellite photograph of the National Mall, presently fixed with huge Smithsonian exhibition halls. â€Å"As I said when I began,† Solomon taking everything into account, â€Å"James Smithson and our progenitors imagined our extraordinary nation to be a place where there is illumination. I accept today they would be pleased. Their extraordinary Smithsonian Institution remains as an image of science and information at the very center of America. It is a no nonsense, working tribute to our progenitors' fantasy for Americaâ€a nation established on the standards of information, astuteness, and science.† Solomon clicked off the slides to an enthusiastic round of acclaim. The houselights came up, alongside many enthusiastic hands with questions. Solomon approached a little red-haired kid in the center. â€Å"Mr. Solomon?† the kid stated, sounding bewildered. â€Å"You said our progenitors fled the strict mistreatment of Europe to set up a nation on the standards of logical advancement.† â€Å"That's correct.† â€Å"But . . . I was under the impression our progenitors were passionately strict men who established America as a Christian nation.† Solomon grinned. â€Å"My companions, don't misunderstand me, our ancestors were profoundly strict men, yet they were Deistsâ€men who put stock in God, yet in an all inclusive and liberal way. The main strict perfect they set forth was strict freedom.† He pulled the amplifier from the platform and walked out to the edge of the stage. â€Å"America's progenitors had a dream of a profoundly illuminated ideal world, in which opportunity of thought, training of the majority, and logical progression would supplant the obscurity of obsolete strict superstition.† A light young lady in back lifted her hand. â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"Sir,† the young lady stated, holding up her PDA, â€Å"I've been looking into you on the web, and Wikipedia says you're an unmistakable Freemason.† Solomon held up his Masonic ring. â€Å"I could have spared you the information charges.† The understudies snickered. â€Å"Yes, well,† the young lady kept, dithering, â€Å"you just referenced 'obsolete strict notion,' and I can't help thinking that on the off chance that anybody is answerable for engendering obsolete notions . . . it would be the Masons.† Solomon appeared unflinching. â€Å"Oh? How so?† â€Å"Well, I've perused a great deal about Masonry, and I realize you have a ton of peculiar antiquated customs and convictions. This article online even says that Masons put stock in the intensity of an old supernatural insight . . . which can raise man to the domain of the gods?† Everybody turned and gazed at the young lady as though she were nuts. â€Å"Actually,† Solomon stated, â€Å"she's right.† The children all spun around and confronted front, eyes augmenting. Solomon stifled a grin and asked the young lady, â€Å"Does it offer some other Wiki-astuteness about this enchanted knowledge?† The young lady looked uncomfortable now, however she started to peruse from the Web website. â€Å"'To guarantee this incredible shrewdness couldn't be utilized by the contemptible, the early adepts recorded their insight in code . . . shrouding its intense truth in a figurative language of images, fantasy, and moral story. Right up 'til the present time, this scrambled knowledge is every one of the a

Monday, August 3, 2020

How the Color of Your Office Impacts Productivity

How the Color of Your Office Impacts Productivity A lot can be said about colors, yet there is so much difference between what people believe.For example, whereas some people believe that colors can affect your productivity at work, others believe that productivity is a matter of decision. Although some believe that colors can even heal diseases, others dismiss this as an exaggeration.But what is the truth?And which camp do you belong to?First things first, let’s understand what we mean when we talk of colors.Colors can be broadly divided into two: visible and invisible colors. This visibility is determined by the wavelength of the color being referred to. Going by the wavelength, there are seven visible colors.The image below shows these and differentiates them on the basis of their wavelengths. Source: Science Learning HubThe color with the shortest wavelength, measured in nanometers (1 x 10-9), is violet at 400nm. Red has the longest wavelength at 665nm.How do you see and differentiate colors?This is a question you need to have an answer to. First to avoid ignorance and second, just as a fun fact.Your eyes can detect a color because it has either been reflected or transmitted. When light is shone on a surface, some of the color in the light is absorbed and others reflected.For example, what you would refer to as a blue wall is actually a wall whose surface absorbs all other colors except blue. When light therefore shines on the wall, what you see is the reflected color.The same applies to clothing.A green dress appears green since all the other colors have been absorbed and green reflected.The light shining on the surface so as to reveal a specific color is white light.White light comprises of all the seven colors of the visible color spectrum. The best source of white lig ht is the sun.In case you’re wondering, the sun’s light is white, not yellow. It might be disappointing to know that all the drawings you did of the sun when a child and colored them yellow, were wrong.HOW COLORS AFFECT HUMAN EMOTIONSWith some background of how colors are formed and seen, let’s look at what effect, if any, they have on us as humans.It’s a fact that colors have an effect on human emotions. You can easily see this when you enter into a room painted in a certain color. Or even just seeing a picture of one.The color of the room i.e. the painting of the walls plus the color of any wall hangings communicates something to you.Consider the below images of two meeting rooms. One has brown and gray colors while the other has light gray and lime green.Does the difference register with your emotions? Which of these two would you prefer to hold a brainstorming meeting in? Source: Pixabay As you think about that, let’s look at some specific colors and the effect they will likely have on you.As you read this, take note of the culture you’ve been raised in. Some cultures interpret certain colors differently from others. For instance, in Japan, pink is associated with masculinity while in the West, pink is associated with femininity.RedWhat comes to your mind when you see the color red?Valentine’s day perhaps?Quite understandable. But red has more to show than love and passion.Love aside, the color red is known to increase the heart rate and increase blood flow. It creates a sense of urgency and causes an increase in energy. Getting into an office painted red can even jump start your   fight or flight system. This color gets you ready for action.For example, if you were driving down the road then saw a big red sign saying “DANGER! TURN AROUND,” what would you do?If you slowly and keenly go through your body’s response, would you recognize the process it took to get you to turning around?The same applies when you enter an office or work in one which is painted red.You will experience an increase in energy flowing to your muscles as your brain urges you to act. For this reason, it is advisable to paint red in the office where physical activity is the norm.This will keep employees up and moving. Strong shades of the color will even create an environment encouraging competition.If the red is in excess, as in all over the wall, furniture etc, things might get out of hand.Too much of the color red is associated with hostility and aggression.BlueBlue is the color which is associated with logic and deep thinking. This is why you’ll see it used to depict images of the brain. As such, this color primarily affects the mind.When you get into a room painted blue, one of the things you’re bound to experience is a sense of calmness.Think of the seas and the oceans. What color are they? What about the sky?And what happens to you when you go out to the ocean or look at the blue skies?That same tranquility that comes upon you is the same thing you’ll experience once you get into a blue-painted office. You will be able to think more clearly and easily concentrate your thoughts to whatever you’re working on.If you are prone to anxiety attacks, then a blue office would be a good environment for you. If you can paint your office the color you want, choose blue. If you can’t, then invest in blue-colored accessories.You can have a blue diary, bag, file, dustbin, card holder etc. There is also something else this color does apart from relaxing you. It helps promote good communication. This is probably as a result of the tranquility it creates.Businesses which are about communication can do well to use this color for their offices. This includes the media and PR agencies.Even if you’re not a media company, you still have a great opportunity to use blue. Paint it in your conference room or the small cubicles where two or three p eople can have a quick meeting and experience the benefits.GreenIf you look at the color spectrum at the beginning of this article, you will see green is at the center. This gives it a balancing nature.Green is very mild on the eye; you can never get eye fatigue from looking at this color. With other colors like white and red, you certainly can.Just like blue, green also creates an environment of tranquility and calmness, especially if you choose the softer shades.And just as you can experience the power of the color blue out in the sea, green presents its evidence in the natural world.Just take a walk in the park. If able to, even in the forest. The lush vegetation does wonders on your moods.A common advice given to those experiencing chronic stress is to walk, preferably where there is fresh air. And where is fresh air found if not among trees and vegetation?Have you noticed that offices are now incorporating vegetation in their interiors?For some, the main reason may be fresh air . But the sight of green plants around the office has other benefits too.Think of working in the park. Just the view of nature has a definite effect on your emotions.Green also signifies renewal, growth and life. This has found a place in modern offices.If you have employees working for long hours, choose green for the paintwork. The environment will create a feeling of calmness and help get the work done while avoiding or reducing fatigue.YellowFrom the arguably dull colors to the bright ones. And the first one we’ll look at is yellow.The sun is the sign of the day and the day signifies life and energy. On the contrary, the night signifies darkness, gloom and maybe even death.So the color yellow ushers in a time of fun, creativity and joy. The color stimulates your emotions and can get you up and moving. This color is one of the favorites for most creatives.Walk into an artist’s studio and you’re bound to see some yellow. A poet or music composer, a writer etc. If you need yo ur creative juices to flow, yellow should be one of the colors you choose.It has also been shown to encourage cheer, optimism, innovation and raise self-esteem.In all this however, take note of the shades you use and the intensity of light shining on the yellow surface. Too much yellow can cause feelings of agitation.As is the case with all colors, a combination is the best option.OrangeYellow and orange have similar effects on your emotions. And the actions you engage in while under the influence of orange is testament to this.Creatives love orange just as they love yellow. These two colors are bright and bring about feelings of freedom and joy. A feeling of freedom is important for any creative person.If you do creative work, you know this to be true.You can see this in the kind of lifestyle such people live or prefer to live.Creative people love flexibility and the color orange provides a sense of flexibility.The color orange has the overall effect of increasing creativity and wa rding off negativity. Even symptoms of depression and anxiety can be reduced when one walks into an orange-colored room or office.This color also has the ability to create an atmosphere of celebration. Company parties will often feature this color. That is why party balloons are mostly orange.PinkHere is a cousin to the color red. A relative both in appearance and function.Pink is a color most notable with femininity. From clothing to cosmetics and even accessories like wrist watches and pens, pink is very much a female color.But that doesn’t mean men cannot put on pink shirts. In fact for the man wearing a pink shirt, it’s a show of boldness. More than that, women initially wore more blue than pink. It was quite a process before they changed to pink. Watch the below video for more on that. But the color also has connotations of love. However, this is not the love feeling brought to the fore by the color red. Whereas red is more towards passion, pink is more towards tenderness.P ink is very soft on the eyes and also has a relaxing feel to it. It also communicates sensitivity and a soft emotional touch.This softness was studied in detail in 1978 by Alexander G. Schauss and the results were stunning. If there has ever been hard evidence about a color’s effect on the human body, then this study proved it.Can you believe that a violent inmate could be “tranquilized” just by the sight of the color pink?The study showed that when a temporary holding cell in a correction facility was painted pink, the aggression of a violent inmate reduced. And this happened after only 15 minutes of exposure to the pink-painted cell.From the results, pink can rightly be called a weakening color.The study also found out that the effects of the pink color could not be suppressed by deliberate mind action. The same test was conducted using yoga practitioners and martial arts experts. Despite these people having trained minds, they couldn’t avoid the effect.Considering that, i t’s obvious that you should avoid too much pink in the office. Unless you want to turn employees into zombies.WhiteWhite is a common color in many offices, though blue is more common. And as a bright color, white has some definite good things to offer.First, white signifies cleanliness and purity. A clean environment looks great and can encourage you to work and have freely-flowing thoughts.Along the lines of purity, white can point to integrity. With integrity indicating sincerity and the absence of evils like deception and corruption, white can go a long way in defining a workplace.White also creates a sense of space and this is one reason the color is common. In a small space, white paint can make the place look bigger. Even in houses, this trick works and you’ll find hallways and corridors painted white.The color also paints a picture of new beginnings. It’s like flipping a new and empty page, ready to be written on. Or in the case of a drawing canvas, ready for a new draw ing.But as bright as the color white is, it’s not all positive.Have you noticed that hospitals use the color white? Even morgues?This despite there being not much evidence of new beginnings, especially in the morgue.This is the reason white can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can brighten and create an impression of more space but on the other, it can prove to be too cold.The association with hospitals and clinic makes white a potential danger for the workplace. It can cause you to start feeling sick. The sheer purity of the color means that it can also reflect too much light onto your eyes. This will cause eye strain, especially if you work using a computer.For this reason, it is best to use white as an accent color and not the main color of your office.GrayGray for the office is not that weird but can get tricky. In itself, especially the lighter shades of it, can look pretty good. But this requires some skill.Gray is primarily a dull color. It also has some associa tions with uncertainty, conflict, war and even death. It is not a coincidence that warships are gray.And do not be fooled by good-looking gray attire. Just because gray works well in suits, having it on the wall can be too much.Remember what we said at the beginning about surfaces absorbing or reflecting colors?With a   gray wall, you’ll have no vibrancy to share. Light up a gray-colored room and see how much excitement you feel from what you see.This is a color associated with sadness, coldness and even depression. If you’re looking for productivity at work, this is one color to stay away from.If you must use gray, keep it at a minimum and use the lighter shades.BrownThe last color we’ll cover today is brown. Brown is quite popular in the office especially because it’s the color of furniture. Unless your desks and chairs are painted with other colors, they are most likely brown.Brown is the color of the earth. It’s also the color of the soil.Brown generally signifies stab ility and assurance. This might be the reason it’s so easy to work with.Do you remember that green is relaxing and also provides a balance? Looking at trees will show you how brown can supplement or even work as an alternative to green. Whereas tree trunks are brown, the leaves are green.You cannot appreciate the green in a forest without noticing the accompanying brown, or vice versa.The color works well for backgrounds. You can use it in this manner then splash some yellow around for a perfectly-balanced relaxing and fun-filled working environment.CONCLUSIONColors work best when combined. There are also different shades of these colors which you should consider.The good thing is that adding color to your office is not a big task. If you can’t paint it, at least you can use office accessories to bring in the color you want.You can play around with different colors until you get your preferred mix.If you work from home, you have more freedom and authority to make your working ar ea perfect for productivity.Whether you want creativity or relaxation while working, you have the information to get you started.Share with us your thoughts on different colors.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

What a global mindset really means

Written by Emily Vondrak, Global Ambassador and Masters student. Hult Boston Class of 2017.    â€Å"Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it† –Ferris Bueller’s Day Off In what feels like the blink of an eye, my journey through the Masters in International Business program at Hult International Business School has come to an end. As I look back on my time over the past year living in three different cities in two different countries, I am so thankful for the amazing opportunities this institution has provided me. From the people I’ve met, to the things I’ve learned, I am extremely proud to be part of the Hult Class of 2017 and the Global Generation. First, I am so appreciative of my classmates. Thinking back to my first day of Immersion, I sat in a room surrounded by strangers from all over the world who grew to be my teammates, friends, and family. I cannot begin to thank each and every one of you for the unique perspective, experience, and background you bring to the Hult community. It is because of all of you that I have learned so much this past year, and not just in the classroom. â€Å"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew, you never knew† –Pocahontas, Colors of the Wind But, where would we be without the growth mindset our Deans and Professors have worked so hard to instill within us? My second thank-you is to them and all the time and energy they have put into teaching us what it means to work i an international business with international teams. We have been told time and again that we are part of the global generation. At first, this was something that I only thought about literally. We are global because we have 7 campuses on 3 continents in 4 different countries. We are global because our students come from more than 150 countries and speak more than 100 languages. We are global because our curriculum looks at business on an international scale and we rotate campuses. But, as I continued through my Hult journey, I have come to realize that the word â€Å"global† means more than a passport stamp. To me, being part of the global generation has become a mindset that transcends physical location. This new wave of thinking is accepting, diverse, creative, and thirsty to learn new things and travel new places. It is not considering borders or geography lines, but sees the world as a whole. Having a global mindset is the belief that anyone, from anywhere, can teach you something new because of the unique life experience they have had. It is appreciating diversity and differences, but, at the end of the day, realizing we are all more alike than not. The Global Generation is the new age of problem-solvers, communicators, and businesspeople and it is part of what makes Hult such an amazing place. Case studies and exams taught us the hard skills of finance, operations, and marketing, but team projects and interacting with my amazing classmates taught me different cultures and gave me a new lens with which to see the world. So, my final thank-you goes to Hult, for bringing all of us together and giving us the skills and opportunity to grow both in our field and as people. Salud, prost, santà ©, and cheers to the class of 2017! â€Å"Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened!† –Dr. Seuss To find out  more about our global  Master’s program,  download a brochure Emily is student from the U.S. pursuing her Master of International Business program in the Hult Boston campus. She has an experience in sales, human resources, and various aspects of marketing from social media and blog-writing to public relations. Emily is passionate about traveling and helping people, which led her to Hult. Upon graduation, she hopes to work in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Hult offers a range of highly skills-focused and employability-driven business school programs including a range of MBA options and a comprehensive one year Masters in International Business. To find out more, take a look at our blog Student perspective: Adjusting to life abroad and how I knew Hult was right for me. Download a brochure or get in touch today to find out how Hult can help you to learn about the business world, the future, and yourself. Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021 Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021"> During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . Happy New Year, Hultians! . Happy New Year, Hultians! .

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on Teenage Abortion - 1132 Words

The subject of teenage abortion, is an emotionally charged one. The two major groups are completely opposite in their beliefs. Rather than discuss the emotional views of those groups, I have chosen to research, write, and conclude based on factual material, concerning teenage abortion. A discussion of abortion as a definition is explained medically, and in a small part the emotional effects on the participant. I have chosen to report in a factual not an emotional manner. The direct definition of abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by loss or destruction of the fetus before birth. (Abortion) There are two types of abortion, spontaneous and induced. (Emmens 7) Spontaneous abortion occurs in the first trimester (first three†¦show more content†¦Although abortion is rather costly procedure, it is far less then the long-term price of supporting a child. Most teenagers are just not old enough, mentally or physically, to take care of and maintain a genuine home for a growing child. (Meier,46) For many teens, having an abortion is a way to get on with their lives. A chance to forget the past and create a pathway to the future. (Karlse,44) The entire concept of abortion may cause an abundance of internal conflict but, for an adolescent this procedure may very well be the best alternative. For a countless number of pregnant teenagers, the notion of having an abortion is not brought on by themselves. Although the decision is a difficult one on its own parents and boyfriends, most likely, will not help to make the process any easier. (Meier,46) The pressure from others put on pregnant adolescents could force them into making serious decisions of having abortions, with little or no thought what so ever. Abortions might also be chosen to hide the pregnancy from the people who care most. The procedure, in many cases, is completed before eithe r parent of the girl is informed. (Meier,46) Having an abortion is a common procedure in this day and age however, some risks are involved, though the majority can be avoided. Abortion is expensive, if it is unaffordable, many girls may result to having it performed illegally. (Meier,49) Through the 1980s forty to sixtyShow MoreRelated Teenage Abortion Essays1162 Words   |  5 Pages Teenage Women, Abortion and Law Abortion has always been a very controversial issue. This can be due to the fact that people have different beliefs that are emphasized by their own religion and set of moral values. Many people believe that abortion is wrong, but they believe that is it only wrong under certain circumstances. This could be true, but is it more right to kill for a specific reason than to just do it because you made an irresponsible decision? Because of the wide spectrum of religionRead MoreTeenage Abortion Essay examples1177 Words   |  5 PagesTeenage Women, Abortion and Law Abortion has always been a very controversial issue. This can be due to the fact that people have different beliefs that are emphasized by their own religion and set of moral values. Many people believe that abortion is wrong, but they believe that is it only wrong under certain circumstances. This could be true, but is it more right to kill for a specific reason than to just do it because you made an irresponsible decision? Because of the wide spectrum of religionRead MoreNegative Effects Of Teenage Abortion1503 Words   |  7 Pagesthe effects of Teenage Abortion? At a young age, we do not have much say on what we want. A teen mother has part of the saying on the decision she wants to take. She does not only worry about how her decisions will influence her life, but as well as her child. Teenagers always take on their decision making without understanding the effects on them and their lives. About a quarter of all teenage pregnancies in the U.S. end in abortion. Teenage abortion is increasing a lot because teenage mother’s fearRead MoreTeenage Abortions1291 Words   |  6 Pages English 1C 23 March 2010 Risk in Teenage Abortions Teenagers should not be allowed to have abortions. There are too many risk; abortions can cause young women infertility, meaning they will not be able to have kids. Young women young women have to deal with extreme fetal pain during an abortion process; there is also the probability that some can die right there on the table and have drastic changes in there hormones. Studies have proven that abortions can lead to an increased chance of breastRead MoreAbortion a Problem for Teenage Girls3739 Words   |  15 PagesAbortion a problem for teenage girls The purpose of this essay is to bring awareness to the medical procedure of abortion, which is a very dangerous procedure that needs to be solved. The target audience is those teenage girls that are deciding to abort using irrelevant procedures. This problem is an increasing trend that is affecting younger and younger girls as time passes due to poor sex education involvement in schools, and family discussions. Sometimes girls have rational reasons of why theyRead MoreIs Abortion Really A Problem?1444 Words   |  6 Pagespregnancies end in abortion. This means that every four in ten women who find out they are pregnant unintentionally decide to not continue with the pregnancy. This equates to four out of every ten unplanned child being killed and not having a chance at a precious life(Abortions). Although many abortions occur each day, not everyone believes that abortion is really a problem. Truthfully, it is just like murder. Just as the country needs to limit the crime rate, t he rate at which abortions take place needRead MoreEssay about Mother Knows Best: Termination of Pregnancy796 Words   |  4 Pagesof whether or not we should allow abortion, or to grant pro-choice has been widely debated in our community lately. This topic is important for the morality of expectant mothers that are dealing with issues of feticide. In recent elections, abortion has become a main point of interest for democrats and republicans. Democrats are mainly pro-choice, while the republicans are preponderantly pro-life affiliates. Different arguments have been discussed as to why abortion should be legal, however, pro-choiceRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1275 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion is a term use for terminating a human pregnancy, which most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. According to the survey that Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada have conducted in 2013, there is a total of 82, 869 Canadians has had an abortion. Abortion should be legalized due to specific circumstances like incidents, disabilities, and teenage pregnancy. Rape is an act sexual intercourse without the consent of the victim. When a woman gets raped, she experiences RapeRead MoreAbortion: Cause and Effect1552 Words   |  7 PagesThe Aftermath of an Abortion To have abortion or not is a very difficult choice to make. The final choice comes from religious and ethical beliefs. However, to have an abortion means to participate in a horrendous crime against humanity, God, and oneself. Abortion can also have deleterious effects on the mother’s health and well being. Many of the couples, mainly the mothers, that have an abortion tend to go into a state of depression known as Post-abortion syndrome. Negative effects on the mother’sRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1165 Words   |  5 PagesOn January 22, 1973, the freedom of women to make the decision to have an abortion was deemed legal after the Roe v. Wade trial. (Stewart) Since this trial, many people have voiced their opinions about whether or not abortion should be legal. Though abortion is safe for mothers, painless for the fetus and allows women to wait for the right time to have a child, it is not always accessible to women. By making abortion more accessible and less judgment based, the amount of unwanted pregnancies will

Monday, May 18, 2020

Organ Allocation Case Study Correctional Healthcare

Organ Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient’s future, specifically related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of people on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, organ donation statistics show that more than 116,000 people are awaiting organs. The number has risen significantly every year (Health Resources Services Administration {HRSA}, 2016). In 2016, it was reported that approximately 41,335 organ donations were made,†¦show more content†¦Mr. Rodriquez’s health history is limited to hypertension. The second candidate, Mr. Smith, is an uninsured 59-year-old on disability who has severe ischemic cardiomyopathy (causing systemic failure). His other medical history includes hypertension, renal in sufficiency, alcohol abuse, and coronary artery disease that caused two previous myocardial infarctions. A person’s age and their lifestyle can impact overall organ transplant success. Physiologic age impacts major organ systems such as the kidneys and other underlying medical problems (Eisen, 2017). Mr. Smith is 26 years older with declining health. On the other hand, Mr. Rodriquez is a healthy individual with mild hypertension. Physical inactivity can be associated with an increased risk of morbidity or worsening chronic disease and health conditions, in particular, cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure (Warren et al., 2010). According to the article by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), alcohol consumption plays a role in the development of heart failure. Excessive drinking leads to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (Djoussà © Gaziano, 2008). Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is characterized by left ventricular dilation, increased left ventricular mass, and reduced or normal left ventricular wall thickness (Djoussà © Gaziano, 2008). Mr. Smithâ₠¬â„¢s heavy consumption of alcohol may become detrimental to his heart, liver, and kidney function. His comorbiditiesShow MoreRelatedOrgan Donation Case Study Essay967 Words   |  4 PagesOrgan Allocation Case Study: Correctional Healthcare Healthcare workers and the ethics board make tough decisions that impact the patient’s future, especially related to organ allocation. Organ transplantation is extremely important in order to save lives, prolong survival, and increase the quality of life (Beyar, 2017). Each year the number of people on the waiting list continues to rise at an alarming rate. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, organ donation statistics

Monday, May 11, 2020

Essay about Individualism in American History - 1470 Words

The Struggle to Be Unique Do you stand alone as a unique and special individual? Since the beginning of American history there have been struggles for individualism. The American Revolution, the American Civil War, and the separation from family life are all examples of individualism in American history. Individualism is an American paradigm designed by the modern societal structure that is an altered idea of the foundation by immigrants. In today’s society the struggle for individualism is more personal and represents how American values have shifted since the beginning of American history. Individualism in today’s society is the â€Å"belief that each person is unique, special, and a ‘basic unit of nature’.† The individualism concept puts an†¦show more content†¦The Virginia colony, the New World’s first colony was established as a â€Å"joint-stock company† colony and was run by the â€Å"House of Burgesses†. The House of Burgesses was the first legislative body to exist in the United States. More colonies continued to be founded based on the need of â€Å"[t]rade and profits† for the country where the colonists originally came from (American Colonies). The trend of establishing colonies continued until 1733 when the Georgia colony was established. The colonies were a way for people to break away from England or other European countries. These people started new lifestyles where they could freely practice their own religions. They made a living for themselves with limited interference from the country of origination. During this time in England, the Church of England was being led by Calvinists. The group known as the Puritans were â€Å"continuing to press for reforms of the Church of England along Calvinist lines† (Wilson). The tension between the two groups led a group known as the Separatists, who disagreed with the Church of England, to leave England and find a better life for themselves and their family. The example of colonization emphasizes individualism. People acted on their unique beliefs by doing what they felt was best for themselves and by openly ignoring what society expected of them. Each individual tookShow MoreRelatedThe Origin of Individualism1684 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction, the origin of American Individualism can be traced back to the beginning years in its history, when first American immigrants came to the North American continent looking for better life and shaking off they yoke of European feudal tradition and the oppression from all kinds of powerful classes. It is determined that there were elements of Anti-oppression and searching for freedom in American people’s character. This was the original explanation of American Individualism. Although the termRead MoreCritical Analysis of Alex de Tocquevilles Democracy in America1366 Words   |  6 Pagesa look at the American prison system. However, it was obvious from his writing that he looked at every aspect of American culture. In Democracy in America, he takes a look at how democracy works and the pitfalls that could bring about the downfall of democracy. Throughout his travels he noticed that private interest and personal gain motivated the actions of most Americans. He believed this cultivated a new concept, the concept of individualism. He believed this individualism was one of theRead MoreA Brief Note On Western Culture And Individualism1107 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Framework: Individualism means that they are solely depending on that individual person (Ayn, 1). There is no â€Å"we† in the way that an individualist person would think ( Western culture and individualism is derived from knowledge and emphasis on the individual person. Western culture is open to anyone in any race, cultural background, age, and gender. Therefore, history has changed itself throughout the years when it comes to the way we think. If you refer back toRead MoreAmeric Land Of The Free, And Home1411 Words   |  6 Pagessafe, and esteemed environment, when in reality the core values of America change as time goes by. Even though Americans often value individualism, patriotism, nationalism, and individual liberty, history has proven otherwise. Wars, social norms, rights restrictions, expectations and peer pressure have gotten in the way of the values that many believed highlighted America. The saying, ‘history repeats itself’ has haunted the future of America greatly. As the years go by, individual freedom is minimizedRead MoreResponse to Turners Essay on The Significance of the Frontier in American History501 Words   |  3 Pagesthe Frontier in American History Turners The Significance of the Frontier in American History essay presents the primary model for comprehending American history. Turner developed his notions on the uncovering of the 1890 census that the frontier was coming to an end, that the nation had occupied its continental borders. As Turner discusses in his essay, an extensive era of American development approached an ending, but left enduring marks on American society. A majorRead MoreA Metanarrative Is Described By Professor Worthington As1667 Words   |  7 PagesThese founding values, though sometimes in different form, are still prominent in today’s society. Four of these many core beliefs that created America’s metanarrative are individualism, work ethic, moral justification, and freedom. Individualism can be seen in America’s beginnings well before it was even a nation. Individualism can be defined as being â€Å"independent† or â€Å"self-reliant†. This can be seen in the Separatist’s physical and spiritual journey from England to Holland to the New World. TheyRead MoreThe Importance Of Cultural History On Culture1294 Words   |  6 Pages Assessing Cultural History People are born physically, socially, and culturally unaware. Instinct is an unlearned behavior that all species encounter. Humans are different than other creatures. Humans need social experiences from their culture to survive (Macionis, 2002-04). Humans are the only creatures that depend on culture instead of instinct to survive (Harris, 1987). Culture is something that has be learned. We are not born with culture, but however born into culture. We are not handed ourRead MoreAnalysis Of Our Divided Political Heart By John F. Kennedy Essay777 Words   |  4 Pagestalks about how American citizens cannot agree on who we are because we cannot agree on whom we have been. The American custom, Dionne expresses, points not to be self-sufficient and selfish, but to even out our compassion of individual freedom and our loyalty to the public. Understanding of our nation’s history, Dionne shows an insightful examination of how self-reliance is toxic to our present political ambience . He participates the Tea Party’s involvement with American history, but also showsRead MoreSelf-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson: Non Conformity in Thought and Action1519 Words   |  7 Pagesreform in the early nineteenth-century in American history. A group of people including former Unitarian ministers made American transcendentalism started its transformation of the American intellect. These people wanted to reform the church because they saw it as a social religion which did not awake the individual’s realization of his own spirituality. These transcendentalists tried to urge their ideas of the significance of the self in spiritual life. American transcendentalism reached its peak inRead MoreQuestions On Managing Diverse Classrooms1050 Words   |  5 Pagesface greater cultural diversity in American classrooms today than in any time in our nation’s history. Today’s classroom are made up of students from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Me xico, Central and Latin America, China, the Caribbean, African and various others countries. Students and their parents enter our country seeking better education, and a stable economical rewards and political environment. Also, Latin American, African American and American Indians students born in the U S.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ludwig van Beethoven The Musical Genius Essay - 1466 Words

Ludwig van Beethoven was the composer of the most celestial and significant music written at any time. He was the first musician to link the classical period of 18th-century and the novel birth of Romanticism. Beethoven’s absolute step forward in the world of music came in his instrumental work, not forgetting his symphonies. In contrast to his forerunner Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, for whom composing music seemed natural, Beethoven strived to make his work flawless. On December 16, 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany; he was baptized on December 17, 1770. An authentic record of the birth date does not exist; however, what remains is the registry of his baptism at the Parish of Saint Regius in a Roman†¦show more content†¦Neefe was appointed Court Organist in the year of 1779. Roughly four years later, Neefe helped Beethoven compose his first piece of published composition: set of keyboard variations. Beethoven began working as Neefe’s assistant o rganist as a paid employee of a chapel managed by Andrea Luchesi. Beethoven’s first three piano sonatas, dedicated to Elector Maximilian Frederick, were published in 1783. Frederick became aware of Beethoven’s impeccable talent and financed and urged Beethoven’s to complete his musical studies. In 1787, Beethoven embarked on a journey to Vienna to, hopefully, study with Mozart. Soon after, when Beethoven’s mother fell severely ill he returned home. After his return, his mother succumbed to death which initiated severe alcoholism for his father. Thus, for the next five years, Beethoven was responsible for the care of his siblings. After the five years passed, he left his hometown for good and went Vienna to resume his studies with Joseph Haydn and soon after with Antonio Salieri. Beethoven most likely met Joseph Haydn in late 1790, when Beethoven was travelling to London. The Elector helped him move to Vienna approximately in 1792. From his trip to Londo n and his move to Vienna, Beethoven composed a large amount of composition that demonstrated his musical maturity. Musicologists recognized a theme comparable to his third symphony composed in 1791. In 1792, Beethoven left his hometown for Vienna upon hearing rumorsShow MoreRelatedThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1600 Words   |  7 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is known for much of his musical accomplishments. One of his most famous is that he is deaf and yet one of the best musical composers of the classical and romanic area. Beethoven has always been one of my personal favorite composers. When I grew up and started taking piano, Beethoven s Fur Elise was my first large classical piece. Ever since that point on I insisted that when we were in Germany we see his home, and that we did. In this essay I will be explaining Ludwigs YouthRead MoreThe Music Of Ludwig Van Beethoven900 Words   |  4 PagesLudwig van Beethoven All throughout music history lived many composers that have impacted not only the societies in which they have lived in, but modern-day society as well. These particular composers have given many societies the chance to listen, feel and express themselves through music and instruments that were invented centuries ago that still remain essential components of music today. One example of a composer that changed the music world drastically was a man by the name of Ludwig van BeethovenRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven, Composer Of All Time, And For Good Reason1459 Words   |  6 PagesLudwig van Beethoven is perhaps the most well known composer of all time, and for good reason. Born in the Classical era, Beethoven composed music that people could connect to and feel in a way that they had never experienced before. Beethoven was a great musical innovator as a result of his work as a composer, his assistance in the transition from the Classical era to the Romantic era of music, and his famou s Ninth Symphony. Ludwig van Beethoven was born on either December 16th or 17th in the yearRead MoreMusic Compare and Contrast1570 Words   |  7 Pageshave it easy. Neither did Ludwig van Beethoven who grew to be one of the most successful composers of all time. Taking in the world and challenges around them, both of these artists overcame many obstacles to become what they are known for. Their fans have followed and have been inspired by them. The band Thirty Seconds to Mars and Ludwig van Beethoven came from two different eras and have rough times in their youth but overcame to succeed in the music world. â€Å"[Ludwig] Beethoven’s father, JohannRead MoreThe Life And Works Of Ludwig Van Beethoven1016 Words   |  5 PagesLife and Works of Ludwig van Beethoven What you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am by myself. There are and will be a thousand princes; there is only one Beethoven (Beethoven, Favorite Classical Composers). This quote by Ludwig van Beethoven shows just how confident of a composer he was. When people to day think of Beethoven they may think of some of his famous works such as Missa solemnis, his Ninth Symphony, or his Pastoral Symphony. Other people may see Beethoven as a deaf composerRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven, Pianist And Composer1197 Words   |  5 Pages10-15-14 Ludwig Van Beethoven Ludwig Van Beethoven, a widely known pianist and composer, was born on about December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He was baptized on December 17, 1770. The actual date of his birth is unknown, but because most babies were baptized within 24 hours of birth, December 16 was his most likely birthdate. Beethoven, however, insisted that he was born 2 years later. Although he was presented with official papers of his birth, he still stubbornly objected. Beethoven had twoRead MoreLudwig Van Beethoven: A Biography1318 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven is considered by many to be the best and most influential composer of all time. His imminence as a composer becomes even more remarkable when one considers the fact that he suffered severe hearing loss for much of his life and was totally deaf for the last decade of his life; the same time that he was composing some of his best-known and most highly regarded works. In order to understand how a man who could not hear the music he was creating became one of theRead MoreComposer Report: Ludwig Van Beethoven Essay1359 Words   |  6 PagesComposer report: Ludwig van Beethoven On 17 December 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born. He was an amazing and great classical musical composer. He is known for being the most famous composer of the classical and romantic periods of music. According to the â€Å"Enjoyment of Music† manual, Beethoven was born in Bohn, Germany. His father, with his grandfather, was the two singers at the court of a local prince, Friedrich Max. (Forney and Machlis 197). Beethoven began to take an interest in music fromRead MoreThe History Of Ludwig Van Beethoven2152 Words   |  9 PagesThe History of Ludwig Van Beethoven One of the world’s most fascinating classical German music composers, Ludwig Van Beethoven was more than just a man playing on the piano. Famous for more than just writing the piece Fà ¼r Elise that most of us all know. He composed many songs with a force that not just every musician has; musical emotion. Each of his pieces captured and held a story about Beethoven. Did you know Beethoven was deaf? How could a composer, a musician, a musical genius, lack such anRead MoreEssay about Life of Ludwig van Beethoven1182 Words   |  5 PagesLife of Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, also known as â€Å" The General of Musicians,† was born on December 16, 1770. However, this date is not exact because it is believed that Beethoven’s father lied about his son’s age in order to portray him as an infant prodigy. As a result, Beethoven is convinced he was born on December 16, 1772 at the Rheingasse home, which belonged to the Fischers, who were close friends of the family (Orga 8). Johann van and Maria Magdalena Beethoven

Review The House of the Spirits Free Essays

In the novel, â€Å"The House of the Spirits†, the author, Isabel Allende uses the symbolism of the house on the corner and the viewpoints of Esteban and Clara’s notebooks to show the reader that in order to understand the history of the Trueba family, multiple viewpoints must be taken into consideration. Through the use of symbolism, the house on the corner is representative of the Trueba’s history and how the family’s history is told through dichotomy. The house has two structures that must be observed in order to understand the entire home, one being inspired by Esteban, and the other being inspired by Clara. We will write a custom essay sample on Review: The House of the Spirits or any similar topic only for you Order Now The structure that Esteban builds is the outside and the foundation of the house. Esteban builds a â€Å"cubic, dense, pompous house, which sits like a hat amidst its green and geometric surroundings†(92). This description represents how he tells his stories of history in the novel. Esteban doesn’t use magical realism, he has much less narration in comparison to Clara in the novel, and his writing is straightforward. The way Esteban is portrayed proves the exterior of the house to be representative of his narration as it is â€Å"cubic† and â€Å"dense†. In contrast, Clara’s narration from her notebooks is much different from Esteban’s simple narration like the structure of the house. Clara doesn’t talk solely about important events, â€Å"she also records trivialities† (1) and incidents that do not necessarily lead to anything. Clara’s peculiar and magical narration style is represented by the infrastructure of the house, â€Å"full of protuberances and incrustations, of twisted staircases that lead to empty spaces, of turrets, or small windows and could not be opened, doors hanging in midair, and crooked hallways† (92). The two narrations make up the entire Trueba history the same way the infrastructure and the outside make up the entire house. Each story is told in a different style to symbolize the structure of the house. Esteban’s part in the creation of the exterior of the house is clean and dense which parallels the way he tells history. In contrast Clara’s narration is more detailed, superfluous and includes the nuanced stories of the characters. Together, the exterior and interior make up the house, just as the two narrations make up the novel and the history of the Truebas. With only one narrator, Clara or Esteban speaking at a time, the story of the Trueba family becomes skewed and unreliable due to Esteban’s personal bias and Clara’s magical point of view. With both histories presented the reader understands a more accurate and complete story. Allende uses the dichotomy of the house on the corner as a symbol to show that there are multiple sides to history. We also see two sides of history through Clara’s notebooks and Esteban’s narration. With two narrations we get a comprehensive vision of history that can only be obtained by reading multiple perspectives. One way that Allende uses the narrations to show that understanding multiple viewpoints is necessary, is through the unreliability of the narrator. At the beginning of the novel we first experience magical realism when Clara’s Uncle Marcos leaves the country on a â€Å"bird† that he builds and â€Å"[a]gainst all logic, on the second try the bird lifts off without mishap and with a certain elegance, accompanied by the creaking of its skeleton and the roar of its motor. Flapping its wings and disappearing into the clouds†(13). We are unaware of what actually occurred in this event because we only see one perspective of what happened. Once both narrators’ are used in the novel, the reader is able to see more than one perspective of the events told and the reader is able to see the entire history, just like the exterior and the infrastructure of the house on the corner make up the entire house. Esteban’s narration is biased and unreliable, but through the use of Clara’s notebooks we see the other side to Esteban’s time at Tres Marias as the patron. When Esteban recalls his leadership at Tres Marias he says, â€Å"no ones going to convince me that I wasn’t a good patron†(51) and that he has â€Å"been a good patron; there’s no doubt about it†(54). Shortly after, we hear from Clara’s notebooks of how â€Å"[n]ot a girl passed from puberty to adulthood that [Esteban] did not subject to the woods, the riverbank, or the wrought-iron bed†(63). If the reader only heard Esteban’s narration, the reader would have only seen that he â€Å"rebuilt chicken coops and stables†, â€Å"rescued the oil fields†, and planned â€Å"an irrigation system so the crops wouldn’t have to depend on the weather†(53). During his narration the reader sees all the positive things that he did, but with Clara’s notebooks the reader also sees the negative aspects of his time at Tres Marias. Along with seeing different events that occurred with multiple narrations we also see the feelings of multiple characters. When Clara first arrives at Tres Marias â€Å"she feels that she has finally discovered her mission in life†(105). While the reader understands her motivation, Esteban is unaware that she has this drive to fulfill her mission in life. Esteban thinks she is just â€Å"charitable and generous† and wants to make â€Å"those around her happy-except [Esteban]†(178). Due to the telling of two narratives in the history of the Trueba family we are able to see the relationship dynamics from both sides, and as a result, understand the Trueba family history better. In conclusion, Isabel Allende wrote the novel in a certain way to show the reader a different view of how history could be learned. She used the symbol of the house to show that to see the history there are various perspectives to understand just as there are various structures that make up the entire house. Allende wrote the novel through the perspective of Clara, Esteban, and others, so the reader is able to get the most comprehensive telling of the Trueba family history, and can see multiple sides in order to obtain the best understanding. How to cite Review: The House of the Spirits, Papers